customize bash prompt

Fancy Bash Prompt! Customize Linux Terminal with SYNTH-SHELL

Beautiful Bash

Customize & Colorize Your Bash Prompt/Terminal

My Bash Prompt

Prettify Your BASH Prompt

Customizing Your Terminal: .bash_profile and .bashrc files

Make Your Bash Termianl Strong and Sexy with .bashrc

Create a custom prompt in Bash

How To Customize Your Bash Terminal Prompt

Add Color to your Prompt Linux Bash Shell

A Linux Shell Prompt That's Out Of This World!

Customize Your Terminal: How to Change Your Bash Prompt Using PS1

Linux Commands for Beginners 07 - The Bash Configuration File

Customizing Your Terminal | Linux Terminal Beautification

Switching to Starship for my Bash Prompt

The Starship Prompt Offers Infinite Possibilities

How to customize your BASH prompt

Add Colors to Your Terminal - A beautiful command line

Your shell prompt, ON STEROIDS // Starship

Customize Your Bash Prompt with Escape Sequences

How To Change Bash Prompt Permanently In Ubuntu

Bash #11 - Customize prompt (three methods)

My Custom Ubuntu Linux Terminal with Themes and Plug-ins 💻

Create a Shell Prompt That Adapts [20210420153308]